


Ideaworks3D deals with TI and ARM

October 18th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Ideaworks3D hits our headlines for the second time this week as they announced their deals with ARM and TI (Texas Instruments). Ideaworks3D and TI introduced the OMAP Gaming Platform based on Ideaworks3D’s Airplay and TI’s OMAP2430 processor. The OMAP processor allows console quality 3D graphics on the small screen.

"The case for next generation mobile games rests on the ability of our industry to provide integrated tools and platforms that help developers diffuse their content across the widest range of mobile phones, without sacrificing game performance along the way," said Alex Caccia, CEO, Ideaworks3D. "By joining forces, TI and Ideaworks3D can now offer a fully integrated software and hardware environment that provides the optimal launch pad for tomorrow’s killer mobile games."

The deal that was announced between Ideaworks3D and ARM allows Ideaworks3D access to ARM’s RealView compilation tools RealView real-time system model. They will feature the Airplay game development SDK.

"Platform fragmentation is the bane of the mobile games industry, leading to head-ache inducing costs and complexity for both developers and publishers," said Thor Gunnarsson, VP and general manager, Labs, Ideaworks3D. "By joining forces with ARM, we can now offer fast-acting relief from the pain of handset porting, and help developers and publishers focus on the real business of making great mobile games."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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